Race Neutral

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself exactly why do so many white Americans get stuck in a position of racial hatred? Why do so many loathe or intensely dislike black people and others who are different than they are? What exactly do they get out of it, you know, hating?

The Wisdom of Starting A Business Amid Covid-19

I am sometimes befuddled by the advice offered by online business gurus in response to simple questions. A social media user recently asked an online business consultant if it was wise to launch a business during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The guru responded with a quick “no,” adding that now would not be the right time, […]

Exploitation of Aretha Franklin

Did Mary Kay Exploit “Queen Aretha” in Her Most Vulnerable Hour?  Aretha Franklin’s eight-hour memorial service on August 31, 2018, represented the culmination of a week-long memorial celebration in Detroit, MI. The memorial celebration included a public concert at Chene Park featuring local and national talent and a two-day public viewing of Franklin who laid […]

Too Much at Stake to Allow the 2016 Elections to Stand

We now know beyond all doubt that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. elections to help Donald J. Trump and certain Republican congressional candidates win. Although almost a year has passed since Trump and newly-elected congressional leaders took office, it’s still not too late for a revote. Redoing 2016 federal elections is the only way […]


When Top U.S. Treasury Executives set out to steal a $100 million contract from Jerroll Sanders, a Black CEO, things did not work out as they planned.

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