A White Person's Role in Ending Racial Assaults

Racial assaults hide in the dark chambers of American life. Whites who want a better society but are confounded when it comes to figuring out what to do and how to do it, can increase their capacity to right many of the racial assaults that more than any other _____ accounts for the disparities we see when we compare white existence to black existence on an economic basis. White privilege affords white people agency and the ability to be seen and heard.  Confronting and intervening, however, often comes with a cost, even to White allies. So do so with a plan in mind: 

Insist that the media give voice to black issues. There is no way IRS should have been able to terminate wrongfully such an important governmental contract and do so without commanding coverage from media outlets Jerroll routinely pursued to tell her story. This can be accomplish by:

  • Pushing advertisers to demand equal time for black issues and to highlight black stories of abuse, especially when those stories represent a misuse and abuse of taxpayers dollars. 
  • Establish a system for monitoring cable stations and networks to ensure they do not lapse or lag in providing coverage on serious black issues. 
  • Developing a website where black people can tell their stories and where others can push those stories to networks. . 
  • Contribute funds to organizations that exist solely to put on display and broadcast national stories of grave injustice to Blacks–especially those that have systemic implications like contracting and policing.  
  • Train Whites through role playing so they will know how to identify discriminatory acts and how to respond. See Jerroll’s Youtube Videos on Citizens United to Erase Racial Discrimination Against Blacks. 
  • Pursue legally those who assault and abuse blacks. 
  • Hear black voices reaching out for a light in the night such as 
  • Don’t expect a Black person to just get over it. 
  • Alter your mindset and encourage blacks to persist in their quest for fairplay and justice rather than urging them to “Just Get Over It.” 
  •  Confronting and intervening, however, often comes with a cost, even to White allies. So do so with a plan in mind: 


When Top U.S. Treasury Executives set out to steal a $100 million contract from Jerroll Sanders, a Black CEO, things did not work out as they planned.

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